Monday, May 21, 2007

Cardinal Ratzinger on Religious Dialogue

“If we are ever to attain a planetary consensus on the reasonableness of certain moral principles--such as that to which the Western tradition of natural law and nearly all other cultures once aspired--we will need to interact far more deeply than anyone as yet has done with the Indian tradition of karma, the Chinese tradition of the Rule of Heaven, and the Islamic tradition of the will of Allah.”

--Cardinal Ratzinger in 2004 in a debate with Philosopher Jürgen Habermas.


  1. yeah, interesting, huh? I got the quote from an article by Michael Novak in FIRST THINGS magazine on the End of the Secular Age.

  2. joseph, linked your page this morning, enjoying dropping in here. pax bro!

  3. hey, u2 len... i'll catch you over at ... i have a class in a few minutes....

    PS: the quote is from Michael Novak's artical on the end of secularism in this months issue of FIRST THINGS
